How to replace dairy products in your desserts and still make them delicious?


3 recipe ideas that you can use as an alternative to dairy products in your preparations.  If you are lactose intolerant, allergic to milk protein, or simply don’t eat dairy because it doesn’t agree with you or you don’t want to consume it, there are bound to be certain times when things get a little … Read more

Why are light, sugar-free, 0% fat, low-fat foods… not healthy?


Eating these types of products does not mean you are eating healthy. Be careful with them! You start taking action to feel radiant inside and out. You want to take care of your health, so you decide to eat healthy and change your habits. You go to the supermarket and replace some of the things … Read more

31 Healthy, Convenient, and DELICIOUS Processed Foods (and Where to Buy Them)

processed foods

How to distinguish between healthy processed foods and unhealthy ones. If you want to eat healthy, you have to prioritize real or natural foods.  These foods are those that do not have a barcode or list of ingredients. In other words, those that are not processed: fruits, vegetables, tubers, raw nuts, legumes, quality meat and fish, … Read more

5 ideas for healthy, crispy, gluten-free batters that you can make at home


Learn how to make bread healthily and deliciously. The other day Bruna from my team asked me why we didn’t compile a collection of ideas for healthy batters, since many people were asking this and so they could always have it on hand. And I thought that now that summer is approaching when the season of … Read more

Which plant-based milk is the best: price comparison, ingredients and machines to make them at home


Do you have any questions about plant-based milk? In recent years, the consumption of vegetable milk (or vegetable drink) as a substitute for milk of animal origin has grown significantly. That’s why we can find more and more options and brands to choose from.  I remember that when I stopped eating dairy products because they made … Read more

Drinking coffee, yes or no? How to drink it in a healthy way


Is drinking coffee healthy? Can I have coffee for breakfast? Which coffee is better? Is decaf healthier than regular coffee? If you are one of those people who ask themselves these questions and can’t start the day without having a cup of coffee, stay here because this article will interest you. I’m going to tell … Read more

Do you want to learn how to have a healthy dinner? Tips and keys to having a healthy and balanced dinner

healthy dinner

Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day because we expend less energy at night. This also helps you rest much more and feel better when you wake up. healthy dinner However, eating a healthy dinner is one of the hardest things to do when you decide to change your diet to a healthier one.  … Read more

5 tips to eat healthier and start the year taking care of yourself

5 tips to eat healthier and start the year taking care of yourself

“This year I will eat healthier”  Does this sound familiar? And if you are reading this, I am sure that one of your goals is to change your diet and make it much healthier.  Feeling full of energy and well-being. You may have tried it before or maybe this is the first time you have decided … Read more

How to choose the best option for eating healthy outside the home in an easy way

How to choose the best option for eating healthy outside the home in an easy way

When you take care of your diet, it is common that what is most difficult for you is eating healthy outside the home.  Especially on weekends because you meet people, eat at a bar or restaurant, change your routine… What happens is that this social life is associated with eating poorly or drinking alcoholic beverages such … Read more

How to follow a healthy and balanced diet in summer without stopping enjoying it

How to follow a healthy and balanced diet in summer without stopping enjoying it

Summer is coming. And despite the heat, you start breaking out in a cold sweat thinking about how difficult it will be to continue with your healthy, balanced diet. Because of course, summer is synonymous with sun, holidays, beach, free time… and lots of great plans that you definitely don’t want to miss. Social life … Read more